In the editing process, I fine-tune the linguistic style.
You will receive detailed comments in the text on:
Aspects of content
Is the research question/thesis answered?
Inherent logic of the main statements
Reasonable linkage of the arguments
Validity and reliability of the research
Appropriate presentation of the research results
An improvement in the writing style
Fluent flow of speech
Comprehensible and academic language
Improving expression by replacing terms with more appropriate formulations
Avoiding of irrelevant aspects
Eliminating colloquial phrases
Minimizing word repetitions and appropriate replacements
Definition of key terms
Constructive feedback on problem areas:
Besides the tips and comments in the text, you will receive personal, constructive feedback on common mistakes. This will enable you to write better in the future.
Additional services
Ensuring the inherent logic of a scientific paper is essential. It begins with the research question and leads the reader to the end through its clear structure and central concluding discussion. This additional check serves to check and improve the logical structure of your work.
Formal aspects
Is the research question stated in the introduction and is the conclusion based on it?
Appropriate length of sections/chapters.
Logical structure of the arguments/themes
This check provides you with feedback on the comprehensibility of your paper. Your work will be optimized based on helpful recommendations.
Comprehensible presentation of
the topic
the research question, methodology, results
the goal
the technical terms and concepts
the cross-references
You will receive comments on:
Unexpected leaps of thought
Illogical argumentation
Unclear objectives
Unclear formulations
You will receive an improvement of your layout.
The following areas will be optimized:
Index of tables of contents
Index of tables and figures
Uniform formatting of paragraphs
Page numbering